7 benefits of engaging a social media manager

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Are you getting the results you want on social media? Many small businesses know they need a social media presence, but not how to get the results they desire. Engaging a professional social media manager is the fastest way to effective social media marketing for any small business. 

Social media managers are strategic, consistent, up-to-date with trends and laws, and available to engage with your customers when you aren’t. They can do as little or as much as your business needs, from customised training to a complete package. The choice is yours.  

1. Social media managers plan strategically to achieve your goals 

Over 80% of Australians are active on social media. A social media manager will create a strategy tailored to your business designed to cut through all the social media chatter and achieve your marketing goals.

The best social media strategies consider:

  • Your ideal customer (aka your customer avatar).
    • The platforms they are most likely to be on and the hashtags they follow.
    • The style of post they engage with.
  • Your Branding 
    • Colours, tone of voice, and style.
    • Your business or campaign story – how you connect with your audience in a way they can relate to.
  • The SMART goals that will help measure the success of your strategy.

Of course, no strategy should remain static. Your social media manager will run A/B tests to see which idea works best for your business and adjust accordingly. And they will show results against your SMART goals, so you both know how business is progressing.

2. Build brand awareness with consistency 

The algorithm still favours accounts that post regularly, and most of your audience only sees 1% of your posts. A social media manager posts regularly with different hashtags, a mix of trendy new and proven reused content (that always gets the best engagement), and eye-catching visuals to stop the scroll and increase the number of people who see your page on any given day or week. 

Your social media manager will also keep your brand consistent in visuals, fonts, tone of voice and overall style because it Increases the likelihood that a scrolling potential customer will recognise your business. Making your brand easily recognisable is as important as being consistent in how often you post because it takes at least seven impressions before a potential client even becomes aware of your brand! 

3. Build brand loyalty and community with prompt customer engagement 

Thanking a customer for a positive comment immediately is an opportunity to connect and convert a happy customer into a brand promoter. Replying immediately to a negative comment is an opportunity to avoid a PR disaster. Answering questions promptly on social media can convert researchers into buyers on the spot. 

Convert followers to the next step on your customer journey with a social media manager who is available promptly while you are busy with other customers.

4. Stay ahead of algorithm changes

Social media is a fast-paced landscape. Long videos, reels, groups, new content, more likes – who knows what the algorithm will prioritise next? 

It can be challenging to monitor the trends across multiple platforms (let alone evolving new platforms you might find your customers on). Your social media manager stays ahead of the algorithm and changes to the overall social media landscape, so you don’t have to. 

5. Remain compliant with relevant laws and rules

Did you know that Australian consumer law applies to social media promotions? 

Most small businesses don’t think much about the law concerning social media, but even seemingly minor transgressions can be costly for small businesses. 

Every platform also has unique terms of use, and violations can see you blacklisted. Businesses have lost accounts with thousands of followers overnight due to perceived violations. 

Your social media manager knows the laws and rules as they apply to your social media strategy, so you don’t have to.

6. Respond to what followers like (review, analyse, and adjust)

One of the most essential parts of a social media strategy is remaining responsive. There is no point setting an inflexible year long schedule in January and staying the course even though it isn’t working. 

Your social media manager will review your strategy regularly, checking what has been effective by analysing your results (reach, engagement, shares, page likes, website visits) against your SMART goals and adjusting your strategy accordingly. 

7. Social media managers let you do what you do best

Sometimes, the best thing your social media manager will give you is time. You might be capable of doing all these things, but is it worth your time? Would you be better off paying someone to do this part of your business in a fraction of the time it would take you so you can focus on servicing your customers, innovating your products, or developing your next big offering?

The best social media managers work as part of your team, leaving you to get on with what you do best. 

If getting your time back sounds good, or you want to get serious about social media goals and strategy, contact me today.

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