DM marketing – a small business guide

DM marketing – a small business guide

Savvy business owners use DM marketing to engage with customers, nurture leads, and build customer loyalty. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn like DMs because they keep users on their platforms longer. Your audience loves them because they...
LinkedIn for Business Networking

LinkedIn for Business Networking

LinkedIn is the best social media platform for small business owners, (especially those on the business networking scene). My clients find it gets better engagement and conversion. And it’s a little different to other social media channels. A little more professional...
LinkedIn Company Pages – a small business guide

LinkedIn Company Pages – a small business guide

LinkedIn is the place for professional connections, industry insights, our next job (or employee), learning skills, and sharing expertise. If you are targeting (or hoping to employ) younger millennials (25-34) and professionals, operate in the business-to-business...