Social Media for Business: Make it Work for You

Social Media for Business: Make it Work for You

“One third of consumers agree that they will inspect a brand’s social media presence before making an online purchase if they have not purchased from their website before.” Yellow Social Media Report 2020 – Consumers Will your clients find your...
5 reasons you need a customer avatar

5 reasons you need a customer avatar

If, like me, you initially thought an avatar was a cartoon representation of yourself on video games, you are halfway there. A customer avatar in the business world is a representation of your ideal customer (you can draw a cartoon to assist if you are a visual...
Why Content Marketing Matters

Why Content Marketing Matters

What is content marketing and why does it matter? As social media users, we post content on a daily basis. We consume content in a variety of ways, from posting online to reading articles online and watching videos. If you own a website, it is important that you post...